What is legal lab

In the digital era, to remain in the silo mentality is to swim against the tide and end up, with a high probability, perishing. The characteristics of the digital era make it essential for any company, small, medium or large, to seek external sources of innovation. But whatever the collaboration model chosen, from early adoption of an innovative technology solution as a customer, to making equity investments in start-ups, it is key to incorporate best practices to overcome, among others, the legal challenges that underlie potential collaboration. 

legal lab is a specific Toda & Nel-lo initiative aimed at providing its clients with expert and comprehensive legal advice in the design and implementation of their business collaboration models.

legal lab by Toda & Nel-lo

Our services

Venture Client

  • Assessment of the legal feasibility of the idea

  • Analysis of the legal risks associated with the idea and the collaboration

  • Legal assistance in the implementation of the agreement

  • Protection of assets associated with /resultin gfrom collaboration

Corporate Venture Capital

  • Analysis of the legal risks associated with the investment

  • Legal advice on the definition of the investment structure

  • Legal advice on th edesign of the operational strategy

  • Advice on divestment

Success stories


legal lab facilitates ‘creative fusion’: materials development company and design startups collaborate under innovative agreement

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The challenge

A company dedicated to the development of new materials in the field of natural stone wants to develop its own generative model with which to create designs applicable to stone agglomerates, integrating experts in interior design and materials with a team of engineers. 

The solution

  • legal Lab assembled a team specialising in commercial law and intellectual property law.
  • The team collaborated with the client in selecting compliance requirements for emerging companies and defining legal priorities for a multilateral collaboration agreement.

The result

Acceleration of the integration process of the companies selected for the collaboration as suppliers to the client, and of an agile contracting model for its implementation.

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legal lab facilitates a Venture Client transaction that subsequently turns into several rounds of financing.

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The challenge

A multinational company in the sports and sports wear sector invites a company dedicated to the development of new high-end textile materials to develop technical products for extreme sports that ensure the expulsion of moisture, guarantee body insulation, with a minimum weight and are based on new or recycled natural products (fibres, algae, etc.).

The solution

legal lab assisted the client in designing an initial phase of collaboration based on product adoption, to secure the multinational's subsequent investment in technological innovation, with an emphasis on intellectual property protection and start-up growth.

The result

  • The legal lab team facilitated the dialogue between the two companies by setting out in an MoU the expectations of each of the parties in the initial phase, and defining the commitments and rights of each party in relation to the results of the collaboration.
  • legal lab advised on successive rounds of financing, enabling the client's participation in the start-up, and promoting its growth and the achievement of the objectives of the invested company's business plan
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legal lab advises a Spanish technology company on its divestment plan and the exit of small investors to bring in a single North American investor specialising in the sector.

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The challenge

An engineering company developed two models of mobile robots with tracking cameras to monitor the health and growth of farm animals, which move on rails hanging from the roof of the sheds. After several years of R&D development and EU support, they built the first successful prototypes.  In the first phase, several equity investors were brought in with 10% stakes, but they did not provide technology or market opportunities.  After two years, it was decided to find and bring in a US multinational specialising in farm animal tracking, especially chickens, and to start a process of divesting the small investors and replacing them with a single investor from the sector, who could bring technology, know-how and market outlets.

The solution

  • legal lab assisted the client in setting the priorities and requirements necessary to facilitate the divestment, helping in the negotiation of complex legal aspects related to the divestment process.
  • legal lab's team assisted the client in the process of bringing in a new investor.

The result

legal lab favoured and made possible the replacement of capital and the sustainability of the founders' business project.

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